Undergoing teeth cleaning is a crucial component in both the treatment and prevention of gingivitis and periodontal disease progression. This procedure, known as Prophylaxis, entails thoroughly and meticulously cleaning the teeth and gums.
Prophylaxis proves highly effective in preserving solid dental health by impeding the advancement of gum disease. It eliminates plaque and tartar buildup, addressing areas above the gum line and below. Allowing the accumulation of plaque and tartar can lead to various adverse consequences, including periodontal disease. Prophylaxis addresses what regular at-home oral health care may not fully manage, as bacteria and plaque can persist even with routine brushing and flossing. Our experienced dentists and hygienists conduct regular cleanings and are essential in recognizing and removing this buildup.
Beyond preventing periodontal disease, teeth cleaning enhances the aesthetic appeal of your smile by addressing yellowed or stained teeth, granting you the smile you’ve always desired.
Prophylaxis effectively eliminates the root causes of bad breath, a standard indicator of periodontal disease. Fighting against periodontal disease aids in combating bad breath, often caused by gum infection-induced gangrene and decaying food particles. Removing plaque, bacteria, and tartar can significantly improve halitosis and reduce infection.
Prophylaxis can be administered within our office or by your regular dentist. However, having regular cleanings with our doctors, who are most familiar with your mouth and your specific level of periodontal disease, is recommended. Prophylaxis should be performed approximately every six months to prevent damage and buildup. For individuals with periodontitis, more frequent cleanings, around every three to four months, are advisable. It’s important to note that while gum disease cannot be fully reversed, its progression can be effectively halted through prophylaxis.
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