A healthy bite is characterized by the presence of all or most teeth, undamaged and unaffected by the typical wear and tear of daily activities.
Indicators of damaged or compromised teeth encompass sensations of looseness, visible signs of wear, or observable damage to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ or jaw joint). Bite therapy is designed to rehabilitate your bite, enabling it to function without causing such damage. In essence, it proactively prevents problems from fully developing.
Restructuring teeth to alleviate excessive pressure during contact with biting surfaces involves skillfully redistributing bite pressures uniformly across all teeth rather than concentrating the force on a select few. This approach effectively reduces strain on the teeth.
Bite splint therapy utilizes a personalized mouthguard specifically crafted to fit your mouth, ensuring that the designated teeth remain appropriately separated, whether during the day, night, or potentially at all times.
Braces offer an alternative for repositioning poorly aligned or drifted teeth, addressing issues with bite alignment.
Replacing old, decayed, or damaged fillings can contribute to an improved bite.
Additionally, reconstructing severely damaged and worn teeth provides another avenue for enhancing a compromised bite.
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