Dental Implants

Dental implants have transformed the way people lead their lives. Serving as a foundation for replacement teeth, they not only replicate the appearance of natural teeth but also provide a similar feel and functionality. Patients who have lost teeth can regain the ability to eat a wide variety of foods, with the assurance that their teeth will have a natural look and their facial contours will remain unchanged. Dental implants instill confidence in our patients, allowing them to feel secure and proud of their smiles.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants consist of small titanium posts that are surgically placed within the jawbone, typically utilized in cases where two teeth are missing. Serving as artificial roots for replacement teeth, they require a surgical procedure for implantation. The titanium material allows effective bonding with the bone, creating a robust foundation for replacement teeth. The posts extend through the gums and are affixed to the implant, serving as anchors for the replacement teeth. Beyond their role in supporting teeth, dental implants play a crucial part in preserving the patient’s facial structure by preventing bone loss and deterioration associated with missing teeth. This dual functionality contributes to both dental and facial well-being.

The surgical procedure

For the majority of patients, the process of placing dental implants involves two separate surgical procedures. In the initial procedure, the implants are surgically planted into the patient’s jawbone. Following the surgery, the implants remain beneath the gums for the subsequent six months, gradually establishing a strong bond with the jawbone. During this period, patients may wear a temporary denture to facilitate effective biting and chewing, albeit on a soft food diet. Simultaneously, the dentist works on crafting the new replacement teeth.

The second procedure takes place after the successful bonding of the implants with the jawbone. In this phase, the implants are uncovered, and small posts are attached, protruding through the gums to anchor the replacement teeth. Once the replacement teeth are in position, these posts become invisible. The entire process, spanning both procedures, typically takes around six to eight months to complete. Importantly, the majority of patients report minimal disruption in their day-to-day lives during this period.

Surgical advances

With recent advancements in dentistry and dental implants, our doctors can now perform single-stage implants, eliminating the need for a second procedure to expose the implants. However, a healing period of six months is still necessary before the replacement teeth can be implanted. In certain cases, it is even possible to place implants simultaneously with tooth extractions, minimizing the number of required surgeries.

The placement of dental implants involves a collaborative effort between a restorative dentist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The restorative dentist is responsible for creating and fitting the permanent prosthesis, as well as any temporary ones that may be necessary. On the other hand, our doctors handle the implant surgery, original tooth extractions, and any required bone grafting, showcasing the importance of coordination and teamwork in the implantation process.

What types of prostheses are available?

Choosing a crown or single prosthesis is suitable when replacing a single tooth, with each crown being affixed to its corresponding implant. For cases involving two or more missing teeth, a fixed bridge or partial prosthesis may be recommended, requiring two or three implants depending on its size. The term “fixed bridge” can also pertain to a complete dental prosthesis replacing all upper or lower teeth, with the number of implants varying based on whether it is removable or fixed. An overdenture, or removable prosthesis, attaches to a ball-in-socket attachment or bar, while a fixed prosthesis can only be removed by a dental professional.

Our implant surgeries are conducted in an office equipped with a hospital-style operating room to ensure sterility and a clean environment. Hospital stays are typically required only for patients undergoing extensive bone grafting from the hip, tibia, or jaw.

Why choose dental implants?

Dental implants offer a transformative solution to restore normalcy to your life after tooth loss, whether the loss is recent or occurred some time ago. The absence of a functional part of your body, such as a tooth, can be challenging to adapt to, and dental implants play a crucial role in not only restoring the function of your mouth but also enhancing its aesthetics.

Your pathway to renewed peace of mind and restored self-confidence can be facilitated through dental implants. This innovative procedure, pioneered over 35 years ago by Swedish orthopedic surgeon and scientist Dr. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, has positively impacted millions by effectively restoring their teeth and smiles.